Testing assertions is very similar to writing regular Forge tests. If you’re familiar with Forge testing, you’ll feel right at home. You get access to all the same testing utilities:

  • Standard assertions (assertEq, assertTrue, etc.)
  • Cheatcodes (vm.prank, vm.deal, vm.warp, etc.)
  • Console logging
  • Test setup with setUp() function

PCL Testing Interface

PCL extends Forge’s testing capabilities with additional utilities specifically for testing assertions. Here’s the key interface:

contract CLTestEnv {
    // Represents a transaction to test against assertions
    struct AssertionTransaction {
        address from;
        address to;
        uint256 value;
        bytes data;

    // Add an assertion to a contract
    function addAssertion(
        string memory label,          // Identifier for the assertion
        address assertionAdopter,     // Contract to monitor
        bytes memory assertionCode,   // Assertion contract bytecode
        bytes memory constructorArgs  // Constructor arguments
    ) external;

    // Test if a transaction would pass assertions
    function validate(
        string memory label,    // Assertion identifier
        address to,             // Transaction target
        uint256 value,          // ETH value
        bytes calldata data     // Transaction calldata
    ) external;

Using the Testing Interface

Here’s how to use these utilities in your tests:

import { CredibleTest } from "@phylax/pcl/CredibleTest.sol";
import { Test } from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract TestOwnableAssertion is Test, CredibleTest {
    address public newOwner = address(0xdeadbeef);
    Ownable public assertionAdopter;

    function setUp() public {
        assertionAdopter = new Ownable();
        vm.deal(assertionAdopter.owner(), 1 ether);       

    function test_assertionOwnershipChanged() public {
        // Add assertion to a contract
            "OwnershipAssertion",                  // Label
            address(assertionAdopter),             // Target contract
            type(OwnableAssertion).creationCode,   // Assertion bytecode
            abi.encode(constructorArgs)            // Constructor args

        // Test a transaction that should invalidate the assertion
        vm.expectRevert(); // Expect assertions validation to revert
            "OwnershipAssertion",                   // Label
            address(assertionAdopter),              // Target contract
            0,                                      // No ETH value
            abi.encodeCall(                         // Transaction data

Key concepts:

  • Use cl.addAssertion() to register assertions with contracts you want to monitor
  • Use cl.validate() to test how assertions respond to transactions
  • No return value from cl.validate(), but you can use vm.expectRevert() to check if it reverts
  • Multiple assertions can be linked to the same contract

This means you can leverage your existing Forge testing knowledge while using these additional features to verify your assertions work correctly.