Use Case

Check that the health factor of a position in a lending protocol is above a certain threshold. In this specific example we use Morpho as a lending protocol, but this could be any lending protocol. The Morpho protocol is very well implemented in general and they follow all the best practices.


The health factor is a measure of the riskiness of a position in a lending protocol. It is calculated as the ratio of the total value of the collateral to the total value of the debt.

In this example we use a cheatcode that gives us all defined state changes. In this case the state changes of all positions. We then iterate over all the state changes and check if the health factor is still healthy after each state change. Morpho have correctly implemented the health factor in all functions that update positions, but if we assume that the check was mistakenly removed for a future upgrade. This assertion could be used to check that positions are still healthy after the transaction. It wouldn’t be the first time that a protocol has mistakenly removed a check or forgotten to add it to a new function (Euler).

Code Example

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.28;

import {Assertion} from "../../lib/credible-std/src/Assertion.sol";
import {PhEvm} from "../../lib/credible-std/src/PhEvm.sol";

// We use Morpho as an example, but this could be any lending protocol
interface IMorpho {
    struct MarketParams {
        Id id;

    struct Id {
        uint256 marketId;

    struct Position {
        uint256 supplyShares;
        uint128 borrowShares;
        uint128 collateral;

    mapping(Id => MarketParams) public idToMarketParams;

    function _isHealthy(MarketParams memory marketParams, Id memory id, address borrower)
        returns (bool);

    mapping(Id => mapping(address => Position)) public position;

contract LendingHealthFactorAssertion is Assertion {
    IMorpho public morpho = IMorpho(address(0xbeef));

    struct ChangedPositionKeys2Mappings {
        bytes32 id;
        bytes32[] borrowers;

    function fnSelectors() external pure override returns (bytes4[] memory assertions) {
        assertions = new bytes4[](1);
        assertions[0] = this.assertionHealthFactor.selector;

    // Check that all updated positions are still healthy
    // Morpho correctly checks the health factor in all functions that update positions
    // but if we assume that the check was mistakenly removed for a future upgrade, this assertion could
    // be used to check that positions are still healthy after the transaction
    // revert if the health factor is not healthy
    function assertionHealthFactor() external {

        // Assume cheatcode exists that can get the state changes from the mapping
        ChangedPositionKeys2Mappings[] memory keys = ph.getStateChangesFromMapping(type(morpho.position));

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            Id id = Id(keys[i].id);
            MarketParams memory marketParams = morpho.idToMarketParams[id];
            for (uint256 j = 0; j < keys[i].borrowers.length; j++) {
                address borrower = keys[i].borrowers[j];
                require(morpho._isHealthy(marketParams, id, borrower), "Health factor is not healthy");

    function stripSelector(bytes memory input) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
        // Create a new bytes memory and copy everything after the selector
        bytes memory paramData = new bytes(32);
        for (uint256 i = 4; i < input.length; i++) {
            paramData[i - 4] = input[i];
        return paramData;