
This assertion checks if the price of an oracle has changed more than 10% within a transaction that requests several price updates from an oracle.

Use Case

Many protocols rely on oracles to get the price of assets. If the price of an asset is manipulated within a transaction, it can lead to losses for the protocol. This assertion analyzes all calls to updatePrice from an oracle in order to make sure that the price isn’t deviating more than X% within a transaction.

Code Example

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.28;

import {Assertion} from "../../lib/credible-std/src/Assertion.sol";
import {PhEvm} from "../../lib/credible-std/src/PhEvm.sol";

interface IOracle {
    function updatePrice(uint256 price) external;
    function price() external view returns (uint256);

contract IntraTxOracleDeviationAssertion is Assertion {
    IOracle public oracle = IOracle(address(0xbeef));

    function fnSelectors() external pure override returns (bytes4[] memory assertions) {
        assertions = new bytes4[](1); // Define the number of triggers
        assertions[0] = this.assertionIntraTxOracleDeviation.selector; // Define the trigger

    // Go through all the updatePrice calls in a transaction and check for large deviations
    // If a deviation is bigger than 10% (could be whatever), revert
    function assertionIntraTxOracleDeviation() external {
        uint256 lastPrice = oracle.price(); // Get the most recent price prior to the transaction
        uint256 maxDeviation = lastPrice * 110 / 100; // 10% deviation
        uint256 minDeviation = lastPrice * 90 / 100; // 10% deviation
        // Get the callInputs for the updatePrice calls
        PhEvm.CallInputs[] memory callInputs = ph.getCallInputs(address(oracle), oracle.updatePrice.selector);
        // If less than 2 updatePrice calls, we can cover the case with pre and post state instead
        if (callInputs.length < 2) {
            if (callInputs.length == 0) {
            uint256 postPrice = oracle.price();
            // Check that the price after the transaction is within the deviation
            require(postPrice >= minDeviation && postPrice <= maxDeviation, "Price deviation is too large");
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < callInputs.length; i++) {
            bytes memory data = callInputs[i].input;
            (uint256 price) = abi.decode(stripSelector(data), (uint256));
            // Compare new price with the price prior to the transaction
            require(price >= minDeviation && price <= maxDeviation, "Price deviation is too large");

    function stripSelector(bytes memory input) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
        // Create a new bytes memory and copy everything after the selector
        bytes memory paramData = new bytes(32);
        for (uint256 i = 4; i < input.length; i++) {
            paramData[i - 4] = input[i];
        return paramData;