Use Case

ERC4626 is a standard for creating yield-bearing tokens that are compatible with ERC20. It is used in many DeFi protocols, including Aave, Compound, and Yearn. There are two functions available to pre-calculate the amount of shares that will be received when depositing and withdrawing assets: previewDeposit and previewWithdraw. This assertions makes sure that deposit and withdraw are correct as per the preview functions.


This assertion makes sure that the deposit and withdraw functions are correct.

Code Example

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.28;

import {Assertion} from "../lib/credible-std/Assertion.sol";

interface IERC4626 {
    function previewDeposit(uint256 assets) external view returns (uint256);

    function previewWithdraw(uint256 shares) external view returns (uint256);

    function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) external returns (uint256);

    function withdraw(uint256 shares, address receiver, address owner) external returns (uint256);

// Make sure that deposit and withdraw are correct
contract ERC4626DepositWithdrawAssertion is Assertion {
    IERC4626 public erc4626 = IERC4626(address(0xbeef));

    function fnSelectors() external pure override returns (Trigger[] memory) {
        Trigger[] memory triggers = new Trigger[](2); // Define the number of triggers
        triggers[0] = Trigger(TriggerType.STORAGE, this.assertionDeposit.selector); // Define the trigger
        triggers[1] = Trigger(TriggerType.STORAGE, this.assertionWithdraw.selector); // Define the trigger
        return triggers;

    // Make sure that the preview deposit is correct
    // return true indicates a valid state
    // return false indicates an invalid state
    function assertionDeposit() external returns (bool) {
        // Get the sender of the transaction and the calldata
        (address from, , bytes memory data) = ph.getTransaction(); // TODO: Check if this works once we have the cheatcode
        bytes4 functionSelector = bytes4(data[:4]);
        if (functionSelector != erc4626.deposit.selector) {
            return true; // Skip the assertion if the function is not deposit
        (uint256 assets, address receiver) = abi.decode(data[4:], (uint256, address));
        uint256 expectedShares = erc4626.previewDeposit(assets);
        uint256 preBalance = erc4626.balanceOf(receiver);
        uint256 postBalance = erc4626.balanceOf(receiver);
        return postBalance == preBalance + expectedShares;

    // Make sure that the preview withdraw is correct
    // return true indicates a valid state
    // return false indicates an invalid state
    function assertionWithdraw() external returns (bool) {
        // Get the sender of the transaction and the calldata
        (address from, , bytes memory data) = ph.getTransaction(); // TODO: Check if this works once we have the cheatcode
        bytes4 functionSelector = bytes4(data[:4]);
        if (functionSelector != erc4626.withdraw.selector) {
            return true; // Skip the assertion if the function is not withdraw
        (uint256 shares, address receiver, address owner) = abi.decode(data[4:], (uint256, address, address));
        uint256 expectedAssets = erc4626.previewWithdraw(shares);
        uint256 preBalance = erc4626.balanceOf(receiver);
        uint256 postBalance = erc4626.balanceOf(receiver);
        return postBalance == preBalance - expectedAssets;